Slide background

The administrative structure of the PSP complies with the current Greek legislation and the Statute of the Technical University of Crete.

The PSP and the doctoral studies are coordinated by the Departmental Assembly (DA) of the School, the Dean,  the Coordination Committee and the Director of Postgraduate Studies.


Departmental Assembly (DA)

The Departmental Assembly is composed of all School faculty members, one (1) member of the Laboratory Teaching staff, one (1) member of the Specialized Technical Laboratory Staff, three (3) undergraduate students and one (1) student representing both postgraduate students and PhD candidates.

The DA is the ultimate decision maker for all issues concerning postgraduate studies. The assembly is responsible for appointing the three members of the Advisory Committee for MSc students, awarding degrees and any other issues defined by the current legislation.



Professor Petros Gikas is the Dean of the School of Environmental Engineering. 


Director of Postgraduate Studies

Associate Professor Aristeidis Koutroulis is the Director of Postgraduate Studies and chairs the Coordination Committee. Professor George Karatzas serves as Deputy Director.


Coordination Committee

The members of the coordination committee are:

The members of the Evaluation Committee for applications to the Master's Programme, are: